Welcome to the official website for Jos Crane. Jos Crane writes stories that focus on alternative realities and dystopian settings. A software engineer during the day, and novelist at night, he splits his time between family, composing music, and complaining how video games have gotten too difficult and too long over the decades. He has spent most of his life in Colorado splitting a fine balance acting as a computer geek and an outdoorsman.  Jos continually earns certifications for advancing his education, though he has no plans to use them for anything useful.

Latest posts:

  • Broomsticks and Witches
    While watching the classic film Hocus Pocus, I couldn’t help but wonder if witches could actually fly on broomsticks. Why does it have to be broomsticks? Would a random aluminum pole work? I had to find out. I drove about fifteen minutes to a nearby magic shop hoping they could spill some information. When I asked if they had flying broomsticks, they just laughed in my face. Rude! They didn’t take me seriously, but that doesn’t mean they had to laugh in my face and wave me away as if I was a fly waiting to sit on their lunch
  • The Time Traveling Frailty
    A recent experiment in quantum theory has enabled the potential ability to go backward in time. That’s as much as I know. I am not a scientist, but I volunteered to be involved in the study. The group of scientists received hundreds of thousands of volunteer responses. As a result, there were a dozen rounds of interviews and tests that potential candidates had to pass. The first round was a video interview session. They asked a simple question: “Why do you want to go back in time?” I didn’t have an answer so I simply said, “Because I have nothing
  • Necat is available for free on Inkitt
    I recently discovered Inkitt by accident. I have feeds that inform me about potential companies to invest in and Inkitt showed up. I had no idea that anything like this existed and I appreciate the concept. Inkitt is a platform that allows authors to publish novels and short stories alike either on a schedule, as it’s written, or after the fact.
  • Various Updates
    I have a few updates that I want to discuss about my upcoming novel, my previous novel, and the next novel. Upcoming Novel I finished my upcoming novel in the summer of 2023 and have been sharing it with a few readers. They have provided wonderful feedback and I have applied some changes to the novel. The other thing is that I lost my job in the autumn and had been focusing on finding a new source of income instead of focusing on publishing. Now that I have settled into a new role, I will be paying an editor to
  • Superheroes
    “I hate that obnoxious turd!” I yelled at the television as the news highlight was showing a young superhero receiving applause while one guy was forced into a police car behind him. The superhero was celebrating by performing breakdancing, soaking in all the praise he received from the crowd that surrounded him. “Captain Apollo has done it again, folks!” the newscaster exclaimed. “Just moments before, this man – whose identity hasn’t been released – was caught burglarizing a jewelry store. Witnesses say Captain Apollo appeared just as he ran out of the store, only to be captured by this rope.”